Sunday, July 28, 2019

Religion class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Religion class - Essay Example The discourse would initially present some comparative highlights on key elements (history and statistics, religious authority, beliefs and doctrine, and rituals and practices) before discussing the comparative evaluation of the differences and similarities in marriage rites between Islam and Christian beliefs. The Christian faith, particularly the Catholic religion is believed to have evolved from Jesus Christ. After Christ’s death, one of his apostles, Peter, was the first to be designated as the head of the Catholic Church. According to Pope Benedict XVI, the mission of the Catholic Church can be summarized â€Å"as a threefold responsibility to proclaim the word of God, celebrate the sacraments, and exercise the ministry of charity† (Benedict XVI 2005). Catholics believe in God, as the Supreme Being and in triumvirate with Jesus Christ, as his Son and the Holy Spirit to form the Blessed Trinity (The Blessed Trinity, 1997). On the other hand, Islam believes in Allah, as the one and only God. The Islam faith was founded by the prophet Mohammed and â€Å"â€Å"unlike Christians, who believe that Jesus was the Son of God and an indivisible part of God, Muslims believe that the Holy Prophet Mohammad (570-632) was a man and that he followed Adam, Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon and Jesus as the last of the great prophets to receive divine revelation. A Muslim believes in the revelation of God through the Quran that was given to Mohammad. For a Muslim, the Quran is God’s Word† (Funk, 2009). As seen from the comparative review, diversity comes in terms of various key elements with similarities only on the following accounts: birth of Jesus and his second coming, salvation sourced from practicing correct beliefs and angels and demons as spiritual beings. All the rest are diversely matchless. The Catholic religion acknowledges Jesus as the Son of God. In Islam, Jesus was believed to be the second to the last prophet.

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