Monday, July 29, 2019

Why International and Domestic Terrorist Hate Research Paper

Why International and Domestic Terrorist Hate - Research Paper Example The fight against terrorism is a global responsibility however, there is need to identify why these terrorist groups target specific regions and nations while attacking. According to LaFree et al (2012) international terrorism has been a threat in USA since 1970. The targets being populated areas and government premises. The tactics have changed over the years but the impacts of their attacks have been devastating both to the affected individuals and the country’s economy. The major tactics used by al- Qaeda remains facility attacks such as the September 11 attack. The main aim of these terror groups is to psychologically and physically affect their targets. The higher the causality would imply their success in their attack. The first reason as to why the hate is the fact that the two regional locations of USA and the terror group have had its historical differences. The historical rivalry has played part in making USA their target. Historical differences have culminated into hatred and lack of trust between the terror group and the nation. The previous leaders of the group also have had their differences with the state hence this has played part in creating animosity between the country and Al- Qaeda. Ideological differences have also played part in making USA the target of al-Qaeda. This revolves around both political and philosophical ideologies. Political stands by the state have meant that they develop their national agenda based on what the state believes is the rule of law (Borgeson & Valeri, 2009). On the other hand the group advocates for traditional methodology in governance and lifestyle. Different political ideologies has meant that the United State revise their military policy to offer aid to their allies. This means that the country has been actively involved in world politics. In most cases the military aid has meant reducing the military prowess of this terror

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